In the first installment of our three-part “Get the Glow” video series, we’re zeroing-in on what brides need to do get the best skin of, well, basically, their entire lives. 

No pressure!

But seriously, this is your moment. When you sail down that aisle on your big day, all eyes – and iPhones! - will be on you. You’ll want to be ready for that. 

Here, we’re lifting the veil on best practices to start six months out, as well as providing all the links to nab the products and services mentioned in the companion videos. 

The Big-Day Idea: It’s all about establishing excellent habits, in both caring for your skin and optimizing your overall wellness, which is the building block of a stellar complexion. 

While some of the ground we’re covering might strike you as common sense, ask yourself, “Yeah, but am I actually doing it?” If not, start. Today. 

Six Months Out: Skin Steps to Take

  • See a board-certified dermatologist: Though a handful of lucky brides don’t have any real need to see a skin doc, plenty do. For anyone with issues like breakouts, hyperpigmentation or rosacea, dermatologists can get you started on an Rx skincare protocol if necessary, and / or a series of treatments to get your condition under full control before your wedding. These experts also excel at evaluating your current product regimen to make sure you’re getting what you need to achieve your goals, as well as finding the “red flag” culprits that could be causing irritation. Not sure if your derm is board-certified? Look for the FAAD designation. For help finding a great one in your area, the American Academy of Dermatology provides this excellent search tool.

  • Start a simple, streamlined skincare routine and stick to it. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the literally thousands of new skincare products launched every year. But according to Katie Hitchcock, my trusty Skin Authority “skin coach” – yes, I have a skin coach - 80 percent of our desired complexion results come from our daily and nightly regimens, not the occasional day spa power facial or that pricey gadget we bought and used a handful of times before abandoning it to gather dust in a cabinet. (More on devices coming up in a bit.) This is exactly what you need: Cleanser, antioxidant, moisturizer, some form of retinol and sunscreen. You’ll use the cleanser twice a day; antioxidant (a product with vitamin C is a great bet), moisturizer and sunscreen during the day; retinol at night. Need to learn the basics about the wonder that is retinol? Read my handy-dandy guide. FYI, after I work my way through all my Skin Authority products, I’ll be diving into the three-part system KaramMD Trifecta, developed by Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Amir Karam.

  • Invest in premium bodycare: Depending on your dress, there could definitely be plenty of skin on display. Make sure it’s all in the prettiest state possible, by investing in quality bodycare. There are great problem-solvers, like KP Away, for treating keratosis pilaris, aka those super-annoying bumps on the back of the arms. For older brides, Crepe Erase is a two-part system for dealing with age-related “tissue” skin. You use the scrub in the shower and then follow up with the super-rich body crème. As a Floridian who spends waaaay too much time on the tennis court, I’ve been on Crepe Erase auto-ship for years.

  • Test-drive a DIY peel: Peel curious? As long as your skin isn’t super-sensitive, now is the time to try one of the better ones to see if it can deliver a few extra benefits beyond those you’re receiving from your trusty daily and nightly product regimens. Two peels that are a decidedly buzzy, and for good reason: Ambari Gold Profection22 Mask (a Kourtney Kardashian fave; she planned an entire Poosh special event around it) and Hanacure All In One Facial, with 1000+ glowing reviews. Get it? “Glowing” reviews?

  • Botox newbie? Give it a shot. (Or not.): Decades after it started being used “off-label” to temporarily block scrunchy-face and those damn “11s” between the brows, Botox is still going strong. If you’ve never tried it but are dying to, do it now, while you’ll have plenty of time to discover how your skin reacts to the injections, and, of even more importance, whether you feel like they’re worth carving out a chunk of your beauty budget for.

  • Try a tool (face): If you’ve always wanted to splash-out on a skin tool, six months before your wedding is an ideal moment. Because it takes diligence and time to see results from one of these gadgets, it’s smart to start early. Mature brides might want to consider the TriPollar Stop Vx radio-frequency device for de-aging. It addresses fine lines and wrinkles and sagging, and I personally love the fact that it has its own power supply. No more dead batteries! For help with wrinkling, overall brightening and a reduction in dark spots and pigmentation, try the CurrentBody Skin LED Mask light therapy gizmo, which has a long list of celebrity fans and has won a slew of awards.

  • Try a tool (body): Up for going the extra mile for gorgeous limbs? Of course you are! For next-level de-flaking, grab the cult-fave Esker Body Plane. Billed as a “full-body exfoliation and appreciation tool,” this glamorous scraper is used right after your shower, preferably with a lush, all-natural oil to help facilitate the scraping. (I have the Body Plane Set, which came with a truly gorgeous Firming oil but can be purchased separately.) And if you’re not already dry brushing your bod, what are you waiting for? Not only does dry brushing help de-flake parched skin, I swear it reduces the appearance of spider veins and cellulite. And let’s not forget this huge bonus: it stimulates your lymphatic system, which boosts overall health. Serious win-win. If you’re in the market for a new brush, I love this one by Conscious Coconut, which is crafted from bamboo and comes with a honeymoon-ready travel bag.

Six Months Out: Wellness Steps to Take: 

  • Prioritize sleep like your life depended on it: Deep, restorative sleep pays off in so many ways it’s literally nuts not to move it to the top of your pre-wedding To Do list. For your skin, beddy bye is the number one time for restoration and renewal, so don’t even *think* of skipping your night-time skin routine. But here are two other incredible wedding-related reasons to hit the hay: One, if you’re well-rested, you’ll have much more energy for working out. Two, if you’re not sleep-deprived, you’re less apt to act like a moody, stress-y Bridezilla.

  • Do: drink liters upon liters of water: So basic, so crucial. Drinking ample H20 helps with weight loss, glowing skin, fatigue-prevention and more. To keep track of your intake, grab one of the gazillion cute 64-ounce water bottles on Amazon with sayings like “Keep Chugging” and “Don’t Give Up” on the side.

  • Don’t: hit the booze hard: We’ve discussed what you should be drinking – water, water and more water. And here’s what you shouldn’t be drinking: gallons of alcohol. Seriously, it is such a loser beverage. It packs on the pounds, screws up your REM sleep, dries out your skin, jacks up anxiety – the list is endless. You’re engaged, of course you’ll be partying. Just don’t go nuts, and always remember the toll it’s taking on your face and waistline.

  • Actively manage your stress: There’s no way around it, planning a wedding is anxiety-inducing. While vigorous exercise can and does help reduce stress, you may want to step up your efforts with yoga and meditation. On the latter front, the Calm app is incredible. It’s so content-rich you’d could lose yourself for hours. Also super-helpful in amping the chill factor: essential oils. For an excellent guide to the topic, I highly recommend the definitive book “Essential Oils Every Day” by aromatherapy guru Hope Gillerman.

  • Stock your shopping cart with “skin-friendly” foods: In addition to “eating the rainbow” of colorful fruits and vegetables, make sure to have tons of leafy greens on hand, as well as fatty fish like salmon, avocados, seeds and nuts and green tea. Pay attention to your nutrition and your skin will thank you.

  • Consider adding a supplement or two: If you’ve been wondering about powdered collagen but haven’t tried it yet, this is the time to give it a go. Ditto for a beauty ingestible capsule created to help improve skin, hair and nails. Both can take a while before results start to surface, so proceed with patience. Two I’ve tried and liked: The surprisingly delicious, super-clean Dose & Co Pure Collagen and Beverly Hills MD Dermal Repair Complex, which definitely brightened my complexion when I was diligent about using it. Note: If you decide to try Dermal Repair, buy it directly from the Beverly Hills MD website. Apparently a counterfeit version has made its way onto Amazon. Sad.

  • Splurge on a personal trainer (at least for a bit): Maybe you’re a gym rat who feels totally in your zone at one of those mega-massive, 24-hour joints, or you’re an ace at working out at home and don’t feel the need for any outside input. If you’re like most brides, however, you want some assistance in leveling-up. Treat yourself to a trainer, at least for a handful of sessions. Pro advice can really open your eyes to correct form. And the extra push they provide is also extra welcome right about now.

Six Months Out: The List

Below are links to products featured “Get the Glow: 6 Months Out” video:

Ambari Gold Profection22 Mask 

Hanacure All In One Facial Set

Skin Authority

Karam MD Trifecta

KP Away

Crepe Erase 

TriPollar Stop Vx

CurrentBody Skin LED Mask

Esker Body Plane

Conscious Coconut Essential Dry Brush 

Dose & Co. Pure Collagen 

Beverly Hills MD Dermal Repair Complex